Donnerstags und samstags

English Kundalini Yoga Online Classes

Tune Your Nerves and Glands, Clear Your Mind, Centre Your Presence, Raise Your Energy & Elevate Your Spirit in just 90 Minutes!

Wir freuen uns sehr,  die Online Yogaklassen von Sat Siri Singh, einem langjährigen Freund und Kollegen aus England, in das shunia Kursprogramm integrieren zu dürfen und so unser Yoga-Angebot um zwei englischsprachige Kundalini Yoga Klassen zu erweitern.

donnerstags 19.30 – 21.00 Uhr (mit 1/2 h Meditation)
samstags 10.00 – 11.30 Uhr
Kursort:  Online via Zoom
Kosten: 12 €
oder mit allen Flatrate-Tarifen
Probestunde kostenfrei!

About Sat Siri Singh Khalsa:
As Kundalini Yoga teacher I find fulfilment by serving you to improve your physical, mental and emotional balance and wellbeing, to expand your awareness and tolerance, and to experience the true identity of your soul.

I like to study and practise the perennial sacred teachings and have a particular love and passion for Gurbani and the meditation of Shabad Guru. I am currently working on a dictionary and sound-spirit elaboration for the late 18th century composition of Jaap Sahib by Guru Gobind Singh.

As a trustee of the Guru Ram Das Project yoga charity, I work with a team of highly experienced and motivated yoga teachers and volunteers to provide Kundalini Yoga and meditation classes to people in particularly challenging circumstances such as homelessness, addiction, illness, disability, exclusion, etc. to improve the quality of physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

I started practising Kundalini Yoga with Amrit Nam Sarovar in 2002 and have been teaching classes, workshops, retreats and trainings since 2003. From 2013 to 2020 I served as Minister for Sikh Dharma International. I studied classical Indian raag music with Ustad Surjit Singh Namdhari and play the rabaab and the guitar. In 2007, I started organizing pilgrimages to India, and since 2012, I taught numerous Japji Sahib workshops in Europe and the UK. I have a PhD in theoretical physics and live with my lovely and inspiring wife Shakta Kaur in Slough, England.

 * To find some basic information about Sat Siri Singh and his online classes, go to Your participation is included in your shunia subscription; no further payment to Sat Siri Singh is necessary
* Please, agree to recording once recording starts (participants will never be recorded neither in video nor in audio).
* For the Thursday class, you can choose to keep you camera on, but please keep your microphone off during class.
* For the Saturday class, please keep your microphone and camera off during the class
* After recording has stopped you can choose to switch your camera and microphone on to meet and greet everybody or to give feedback, but you don’t have to, of course.
* In case you sign up for Sat Siri Singh’s newsletter, you will receive one email per month with the offer of a monthly subscription to his programme including access to all recorded Vimeo classes, ca one email with inspirational posts about yoga, meditation and lifestyle (see also his blog:, and a reminder ca 30 minutes before each class with the link.